WebQuest Evaluation Page

WebQuest Assessment Rubric

Evaluate your performance during this exercise. Were you specific enough? Was your spokesperson well prepared? This is the rubric I will be using to rate your performance.

Observation Excellent (90%-100%) Meets Expectations
Below Average
Presidential Qualities
(30 Points)
Five specific presidential qualities are listed. Each quality is defined and reflected back to the presidency Five specific presidential qualities are listed and defined. Five specific presidential qualities are listed.
Presidential Grading
(30 Points)
Each president receives a grade with greater than 75% having specific examples of why that president received that grade in the specific category. Each president receives a grade with between 50% and 75% having specific examples of why that president received that grade in the specific category. Each president receives a grade with less than 50% having specific examples of why that president received that grade in the specific category.
Writing, Grammar and Style
(20 Points)
Less than 3 grammatical or spelling errors. 3 to 5 grammatical or spelling errors. Greater than 5 grammatical or spelling errors.
Debate Preparation
Group representative is well aware of their candidate's virtues (note cards are allowed) as well as the shortcomings of the other candidates. Specific examples are cited. Group representative is generally aware of all candidates virtues and faults. Group representative is aware of their candidate only.

Nice Job! Move on to the Conclusion.