Web Quest: Copyright and Web Design

Quest Directions

Web Design Copyright violations constitute a growing concern on the part of website developers. Visit the links below to examine some of the relevent copyright issues pertaining to web design. When you've completed your quest, test your knowledge with the quiz on the right. See how much you've learned. Are you a WYSIWYG Wizard, or a Stuttering Luddite? Let the quiz decide.

Copyright and Web Images

Thinking of borrowing a few images from Google for your website? Think again. Suprisingly, artists and photographers are very serious about their art. They will take you to court if they think you've pilferred their work. However, there are some (the really fun ones) who will let you use anything they create. The devil is in the details and the fine print. Visit these sites to learn more about image copyrights.
Social Media Examiner
Myths About Copyright

Copyright and Coding

Computer coding copyrights are some of the most difficult to discern. After all, a FOR loop is a FOR loop is a FOR loop. We're not talking about borrowing the code from Netscape to create Internet Explorer, but rather researching bits of javascript and HTML using the View Source ability of your browser. You'll be quite surprised to realize that currently, you are all violating my copyright. The true golden rule of coding is that if you didn't write it on a blank screen, you may not really own it. The difficulties arise when someone uses another's source as sort of a dictionary (Where does that semi-colon go?) Explore these sites to expand your knowledge of Computer Coding Copyrights.
Internet Attorney
SEQ Legal

Copyright and Domain Names

There are Squatter's Right and then there are Copyrights. There was a time when a small investment in the rights to a Domain Name would turn a tidy profit. (Hillary for President.com anyone?) Such things are becoming more difficult as people become fully internet intergrated. Additionally, with the new line of domain types (.biz, .tv, .me!!) It's becoming more difficult for individuals to leverage domain names as an investment. The sites below will provide you with additional information on copyrights and Domain Names.
Where to Register Websites
Traverse Legal

Preventing Copyright Violations of Your Own Work

Whether it's watermarked images or transparent overlays, more and more tools are available to web designers to prevent the "borrowing" of their work. This is a dual edged sword. In the early days of the internet, one way that future web designers learned was by examining the codes of others. In fact, it is because of this that the World Wide Web Expanded. Computer code was no longer the proprietary information of those with pocket protectors and sites such as Geocities (come one, we've all had a Geocities site at one time or another) promoted growth and curiousity. This environment of sharing creates the Facebooks of tomorrow and it's passing is bittersweet. Check out this site for some ways to protect your designs.
Website Content Theft

Web Quest Questions

Question 1

The Copyright Owner has the right to do four things. Which answer below is not one of those things?

Display the copyrighted work publicly
Reproduce the copyrighted work
Claim other, similar works as their own
Prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work

Question 2

True or False. Just looking at a Web Site could technically be construed as a violation of copyright law

True False

Question 3

Which of these cases violates copyright law?

Digital art depicting a character flying through New York.
Posting a recording you reciting Hamlet's soliloquy.
A Web Page with a layout similar to the iTunes Site.
Fan fiction based on Hogwarts School for Wizards.

Question 4

True or False? Domain name squatting is essentially registering a domain name which infringes a third party's trademark rights

True False

Question 5

True or False? The purpose of the Fair Use Doctrine is to allow for limited and reasonable uses of copyright material

True False

Question 6

What have some major companies done as a preventive measure against domain infringement.

Send squads of cyber elves against domain squatters
Registered many variations of their trademark names
Closed competative websites with hacker attacks
Posted Videos demonstrating plageristic tendencies

Question 7

True or False? HTML code can keep people from right clicking on your images.

True False

Question 8

True or False? Copyrights are different than patents.

True False

Question 9

True or False? Displaying the Twitter Bird as a link violates Twitter's copyright

True False

Question 10

What is the purpose of fair use?

Allows other's works to be used for the Public's benefit
Allows artwork to be used for Christmas Cards
Allows other's works to be used for profit
Makes life easier for amateur web designers

Masters Educational Technology, Boise State University, Fall 2013 - Summer 2015

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