Welcome To the Course

Welcome to your introduction to the nuclear fission process, NU-100 Nuclear Power - The Core. Over the next few weeks, I look forward to watching all of you gain an appreciation for the means by which we generate nuclear energy. Use these first few days to find your way around and become acquainted the course and the course environment. Below is a list of icons you will see during the course and what those icons signify

- This signifies a lesson or a course activity which will open up in this window

- This signifies a PDF file which will open in a separate windown

- This signifies a web page or a web based activity

- This signifies a discussion topic to be discussed with your classmates.

- This signifies an assignment to be turned in.

Watch the introduction video. After watching the video move on and review the syllabus. Then if you're particularly ambitious, complete the Greatest Physicist assignment for extra credit.

World's Greatest Physicist