Assignment 4

For this project, we were told to add Action Script Elements to our projects. Obviously all the buttons used to navigate the timeline use Action Script, but I wanted to do more than a button. The lab is up and running and it uses Action Script to perform calculations and display results.

One of the things I noticed about this project was that it was easier for me to write the Action Script programming in a text editor and then copy it into Flash. The text editor is an easier environment to work in and offers a lot more space when making edits.

I used Magix Music Maker and Audacity software for the sound effects and Photoshop for the graphics.

I've included the source file again. Additionally, I've provided a link to the Action Script for the lab. The Action Script is fairly well commented in order to provide programming insight. To me, it is important to thoroughly comment programs in order that they may be changed at a later date.

Project 4 Source File
Lab Action Script