Assignment 3

This is the third project of the class. I've revamped the introduction page and added music and a mask that follows the cursor to satisfy the project's requirements. Although the requirements were to create an animated mask, I thought creating one that follows the cursor was much more fun and keeping in line with the theme of the overall page The project's requirements were as follows:

Add Sound to the pages.

Create an animated mask

Getting the sounds to play and stop where appropriate was a bit of a challenge. However, this challenge force me to learn more about Action Script which was a good thing. I must admit, the code snippits tool in CS6 proved invaluable.

I used Photoshop to create the graphics and Magix Music Maker software for the music.

I've included the source file again. As you can see, things are getting a bit more complicated. Also, just a note about my frame spacing. The frames that I've used for each section do not have to have so many single frames. I have done it this way frankly because as I get older, my eyesight is not so good.

Project 3 Source File