RSS in Education

As posted in my Learning Log September 29, 2013

This assignment was quite interesting in that I only learned XML last semester. The problem with the course was that it presented very few specific examples of how to use XML. In fact, this was the first genuine application in which I used the language.

I can see where RSS feeds would be quite useful to the teaching community. When I attended school, we were required to keep and submit journals to the teacher. I vividly recall scrambling wildly the night before to simulate entries throughout the week. RSS feeds would allow teachers to view student work as it was posted rather than waiting to the end of the week for a week's worth of entries.

Undoubtedly, as more people become aware of the existence of RSS technology, its uses will increase. Additionally, with the advances in handheld technology, people will essentially be able to download their customized newspapers each day based on the content that interests them. This, however, presents a dual edged sword. It will allow people to target their own news delivery, but may also prevent them from being exposed to other, late breaking issues.