Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet
School: Millstone Nuclear Training
Your Name: Jim Doran
Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Model Benchmark Rubric for detailed descriptions of the categories. Emergent Islands Integrated Intelligent Evaluator Comments
ADMINISTRATIVE Policy behavioral X       There is very little in the way of a formal planning process for the use of technology. There is no specific group in charge of training technology.
resource/infrastructure   X     There is no overarching control of technology in the classroom. Hardware is made available, but with very little formalization.
Planning behavioral X       There is no formal planning committee for the use of technology in the classroom. There are newsletters available, but instructors very seldom use the tools that are referenced due to a lack of understanding.
resource/infrastructure X       See Above
Budget behavioral   X     There is no formal budgeting process for technology use in training.
resource/infrastructure   X     Budgets and therefore technology is limited. Instructors often use their personal computers and software for course development.
Administrative Information behavioral     X   Information such as Operating Experience is regularly consulted and downloaded as part of course design. Instructor tools and best practices are readily available and used by all.
resource/infrastructure       X Access to industry websites are available to all personnel.
CURRICULAR Electronic Information behavioral       X Information resources are used by staff on a daily basis. Most plant procedures and drawings are available electronically and utilized for course development.
resource/infrastructure     X   The plant drawing database is limited to those drawings that are deemed Ops Critical. Other drawings have limited support electronically.
Assessment behavioral X       Technology for the assessment of student work is limited to computer based training for all plant personnel.
resource/infrastructure X       Electronic tools are limited to plant wide computer based training for annual repetative qualification.
Curriculular Integration behavioral X       Technology used in most classrooms is limited to Power Point Presentations with very little integration of supplemental technologies.
resource/infrastructure   X     Some classrooms equipped with Smart Boards. All classrooms equipped with projectors linked to classroom PCs.
Teacher Use behavioral   X     Technology used by instructors is mostly limited to static Power Point presentations.
resource/infrastructure       X All instructors have personal computers. Each classroom equipped with computer and projector.
Student Use behavioral   X     Students use of technology is limited to referencing plant procedures and drawings.
resource/infrastructure     X   Most students have the use of a personal computer in the work environment. Access within the classroom environment is limited.
SUPPORT Stakeholder Involvemnt behavioral X       Very few instructors are aware of the technological tools that are available to them. Most use home computers for software implementation and content creation.
resource/infrastructure X       As there is no formal plan for the use of technology, work groups are unaware of any planning. Additionally, the Information Technology Department is a separate entity from the Training Depart which limits communication and integration.
Administrative Support behavioral   X     Minimal support is provided by plant management to integrate technology into the training process.
resource/infrastructure   X     Silos exist between the IT Department and Training. Training owns the computers that are used, however, IT dictates which software is allowed for use by instructors.
Training behavioral X       Training staff is self-taught in the use of software that is available. There is very little formal training on the use of emerging technologies such as RSS feed use and creation.
resource/infrastructure X       Formal training for instructors consists mostly of training in course development. There has been little formal training in the use of various applications that are available to them.
Technical/Infrastructure Support behavioral X       Support for the use of technology is limited to informal discussions between instructors.
resource/infrastructure   X     There is minimal technical support for those instructors that choose to incorporate technology in their classrooms.
CONNECTIVITY Local Area Networking (LAN) behavioral     X   All personnel have access to the LAN, but access it exclusively for the download of procedures and plant drawings.
resource/infrastructure     X   High Speed Network access is available to all.
District Area Networking (WAN) behavioral   X     Training staff uses networks in a traditional manner to access material for class preparation.
resource/infrastructure       X Networks are used for data and some communication of plant meetings.
Internet Access behavioral   X     Staff uses the internet for class development, however classroom materials do not include links to germane websites.
resource/infrastructure       X High Speed Internet access available to all.
Communication Systems behavioral     X   Email is used to communicate course information between staff and student.
resource/infrastructure       X Email is available to all.
INNOVATION New Technologies behavioral   X     The training staff embraces new technology when they become aware of it. Very few experiment with new technology as very few have access to it.
resource/infrastructure   X     New technology is accepted, but use is limited to those few instructors that are technically savvy.
Comprehensive Technologies behavioral     X   Technology use is limited due to budget constraints. Very few video and animation tools are used.
resource/infrastructure   X     Technology use is limited to the use of the PC for classroom presentations.