The Family

Welcome. Let me begin by stating that each quote on the various web pages means something. I put a great deal of thought into selecting this particular quote. By the time this website is complete, I will have finished a twelve year journey. My second go round of university education didn't start out that way. It actually started with the pursuit of a Bachelor's Degree that I had put off for thirty years and my lovely wife, pictured to the left, telling me to "just pull my finger out and go and get a degree. "

That was my step out the door and I haven't looked back since. I finished my Bachelor's Degree and decided that since I was on an educational roll, I should get my Master's Degree. Boise State offered a great program and I finished in 2015 mentally exhausted. Thirty-one classes in four years while working full time will do that to a person. At the time, I toyed with the idea of pushing on for Doctorate, but I could not muster the mental energy to do so. After a four year hiatus, I'm ready to move forward.

I've come back for another four years because I am a true believer in the power of technology and using it to teach the next generation. The computer and the internet, used correctly, puts the knowledge of the world at the student's fingertips. I feel that it is incumbent on us, as educators, to teach them to use it and to use it ourselves to offer innovative alternatives to the traditional classroom environment. Lastly, I've come back because, unlike Frodo and Bilbo, I'm not that crazy about the Shire.